Maurice Gustavus Jordan JR was born March 18th, 1955 in Los Angeles, California to Mary Louise Maxwell and Maurice Louis Jordan Senior. His passing transpired on August 27th, 2020 in Colorado Springs around his immediate family and friends. He played highschool and college football that contributed to his many knee surgery stories that he was proud to share as his battle scars. He was an Optometry Technician, an Armed Security Guard and worked for Walmart for the love of conversing and assisting others with their daily needs. His favorite sports teams were the Oakland Raiders, Los Angeles Lakers and secretly, The Golden State Warriors. Maurice had a laugh that was contagious and a voice that could fill an arena. He was the sweetest, kindest and most genuine soul that graced this earth. He grew up in the streets of South Central , California but didn’t let it define his outcome in life by finding a diamond in the rough, his late wife, Loretta C Jordan. An outstanding, beautiful soul that he loved and cherished from 1981 until her passing in 2015. He spent his last years on this earth surrounded by loved ones. He is survived by his sons Johnnie Harvest III, Jefferey Harvest, daughters Candace Jordan- Quintanilla, Desiree Jordan, daughter-n-law, Ashley Harvest, mother-n-law Karen Donaldson, and his beautiful grandchildren from both Harvest Families and the Quintanilla Family.