Nancy Jane Cesario passed into the light on February 1, 2025. Nancy came into the world on April

17, 1950, in Ann Arbor, Michigan to Paul Charles Briede, and Katherine Hildegarde Burnette.

She is survived by her husband Douglas Lynn Cesario, her daughter Kaitlyn Ashley Cesario, her

sisters Paulette Ross, and Katherine Decicco, and her best friend Sundae.

A remembrance get together will be held at 5:00 o’clock PM on February 17, 2025. It will be held at

Painting with a Twist, 1045 Garden of the Gods Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907. This will

be a business casual meeting to celebrate Nancy’s life.

Nancy was one of the most loving and caring people to have graced this earth. She took care of her

son Ignacio Alan Cesario more commonly known as Nacho, who was disabled with a form of

cerebral palsy that included epilepsy for 50 years. She had the patience to deal with her husband

and his diabetes for 43 years. While all of this took up much of her time, she also had the ability to

raise her daughter through her teenage years. Nancy gave a lot more than she received.

In lieu of flowers, please donate to The American Cancer Society, or National Lymphedema


We miss you Nancy but take heart that you are no longer suffering from the pain. Give Nacho a big

hug for us,