Bert Dring Jr (Butch)left this world, in Colorado Springs, on 07/15/24 from sudden hemorrhagic stroke, caused by untreated high blood pressure. (Get it checked guys).

He was born 02/01/59. He was lovingly raised by his polio handicapped grandmother Anna Roberts in Clarksville, TN. He had a wonderful childhood fishing, playing in the creek, doing what most little boys do, surrounded by loving family and friends. Clarksville is a beautiful place with loads of happy memories.

He is survived by his doting wife Madeleine Dring (40+ years guys), his daughter Michelle Gallegos (Daddy’s girl), son Christopher (Joe) Mills;  his grandchildren Tark Reynolds, Azanna Gallegos (Grandpas girl/ninja warrior), and Michael Arana (Grandpa’s BFF); his sisters Wanda Lehman, Anna Allen, Nicky Sikalis, a brother that was placed up for adoption at birth; cousins Tommye Whitworth, Jason and Clay Landrum, Kelly Harp, plus numerous other family members and friends. 

He is being cremated. At some point, his daughter and grandkids are taking him back home to Clarksville where he was raised. 

At this moment I would like to take this time to thank my dad for being the wonderful, loving, doting parent, confidante, best friend, that a girl could ever have. Thank you for being so wonderful to those around you too. Thank you for teaching me how to love and how to be a good parent. I’m forever grateful. 

Goodbye dad. I’ll be seeing you. 

Don’t fret for those we have lost, for in the end, we will all be together again.