Daughter of Hub and Elva Standley
Sister to Carol A Dickey Standley
Wife of Harold Poe 
Mother of Paul, Susan, Bryan, and Bruce. 
Joleen was born and raised in Cherryvale, Kansas. 
With fond memories of her childhood, Joleen often spoke of spending time with her uncles and grandparents and being spoiled at their grocery store. 
After high school, Joleen attended Kansas State University, where she pursued an education in Home Economics and met the “Love of Her Life”, her beloved husband of more than 65 years, Harold Prather Poe. 
A Ranchers Wife, Joleen was the true essence of a Home Economics Master. With a determined passion for success and a love for beauty and elegance, coupled with her innate abilities to run a tight household with four children, “She Made Our House a Home!”  Joleen’s talents of many, “Made Our Home Inviting, Beautiful, and Comfortable!”
Her talents we could list for days, but to name a few: Designer, Artist, Painter, Seamstress, Master of her Kitchen, and so much more. 
Joleen exuded Class, Style, and Kindness. Her attention to detail was remarkable. 
She never forgot a birthday and always took time to make one feel special. 
Her devotion to her family and friends was reflected in the time she so graciously gave and spent with her husband, parents, sister and family, children, grandchildren, and friends. 
Joleen devoted much of her time to community organizations and works, as well. 
She was President of the PTA when her children were young. 
She was active in P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization), representing the State of Kansas for many years, representing Boston, Massachusetts for one year, and later became one of the founders of the P.E.O. Chapter “EZ” in Mesa, AZ. 
Joleen had a love and growing knowledge for antiques. She was a successful antique dealer throughout Kansas. Having many 1st place ribbons for her antique booths, her knowledge of and design with antiques was a proven gift. 
Joleen and her husband retired to Mesa, Arizona and Colorado Springs, CO. They were blessed with opportunities to travel much of the world. They played golf on every continent and made many new friends along the way. Joleen’s commitment to her friends opened up a lot of opportunities to travel abroad and see the world.   While Golfing was their main activity, Joleen enjoyed dancing with her husband (it was a beautiful site), feeding the birds which led to bird watching and learning about the kinds of birds they saw and fed. 
Joleen had a beautiful voice and loved to sing. Singing was something Joleen did to the very end and we are all confident she is now a singing angel serenading the good Lord and those in heaven.
Joleen is preceded in death by her grandparents, parents, aunts and uncle‘s, and her beloved only daughter, Susan. Joleen is survived by her husband, Harold Prather Poe, 3 sons, a son in-law, two daughters-in-law, 9 Grandchildren, 4 Great Grandchildren, her sister, brother-in-law, nephew, neice and husband, great niece and great nephew. (listed in individual families below)
Paul and Cassandra Poe, their daughter Ashley and her son Avery, their daughter Erika husband Eric and their 2 daughters Emma and Penelope, and their son Darel.
Kirk Schminke-Husband to Susan, their son Troy, and their son Devin and wife Cat. 
Bryan Poe, his son Gareth spouse Greta and their son Arwyn, and his daughter Elizabeth.
Bruce Poe and wife Kim, Bruce’s son Daniel wife Carly, and his son Nathan.
Joleen’s Sister Carol, husband David Dickey their son, Jeff and wife Teresa, their daughter Julie and husband Travis and two children Alexa and Jake.
If you wish to honor Joleen’s Memory, a donation to the Alzheimers Foundation or to the Salvation Army can be made.